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How To Cure Or Treat Headache/Back Pain completely

Dieter Dorn, born on August 13, 1938, deceased January 19, 2011, is the founder of the Dorn method. He had a sawmill and a farm. In the evenings after work he treated people according to its own method Dorn. His son continued the work in the sawmill while continuing Dorn himself was
more concerned with treating people. Heilpraktikers and physiotherapists are going to apply the Dorn method. Many are trained by Dieter Dorn himself.

In 1973 Dieter Dorn was during his work severe back pain from improper lifting of a tree trunk. He could only lie and sit down very slowly. He turned to the old lock farmer Josef Müller in a nearby village who had helped many people with back problems. Dorn had to stand slightly hunched over with his hands on a table supportive. While Dorn with one leg rocked back and forth, Müller pressed gently on the spinous processes of the vertebrae, making it came down again in the right place. The back and forth swinging of the leg Müller could not push too far the vertebrae. The pain was gone within minutes.

Dieter Dorn was once treated by Muller. , He was so impressed that he wanted to learn it myself. Unfortunately, it was not because Müller short time later died.

The Dorn wife had a headache for years. This was the first treatment of Dorn. He scanned the neck vertebrae of his wife and felt that two spinous processes were not quite right. A neurologist had confirmed this and suggested an operation. Dorn pressed gently with his thumbs against the spinous until he felt they were neatly above the other. Meanwhile his wife moved gently around her head back and forth. His wife was then liberated by a miracle of her headaches. This was the first experience of Dorn. This was followed by family and friends in town and surroundings, and later from afar.

In 1985, heard the orthopaedist Dr. Thomas Hansen about Dieter Dorn and his work. He let himself be treated by Dorn. This doctor was immediately very impressed and later he became increasingly convinced of the efficacy of the Dorn method. Dr. Hansen Dorn provided by literature, so that he could also move into medical backgrounds.

Later, Dorn explains that he has not invented the method; He has this one developed. People around him have ensured that the method has become known worldwide as. Interested parties were given the chance to learn the method and to deal with it.

How does the treatment look like?
Scanning and printing goes from bottom to top, so the lumbar spine to the neck. First, the patient with hands resting on the treatment table. Then the patient can sit down on the treatment table. Most therapists work with a height-adjustable treatment table, so the table at the correct height for the therapist to adjust.

At home the patient drills: the leg joints, but also arms and fingers if that proves necessary. Together with the therapist, the exercises are done the first time; then the patient may show the exercises the therapist, so that it knows that exercise is well understood.

When examining the patient lies on his back on the treatment table. First leg lengths are checked and compared. If necessary, for differences proved corrected the hip joint. Then the other leg joints at the turn; The ankles and knees are tested for mobility. The therapist takes the legs of the patient and at the same time exerts pressure on the joints so that it will properly in place; This is completely painless. The patient is optionally drills for at home, in order to keep the joints in the right place. The tension in the muscles is reduced by the treatment, and as a result, relaxing the joints themselves.

The patient then goes slightly bent standing with hands while resting on the treatment table. The therapist explores the spinous processes of all the vertebrae to find any slight shift to the left or right.
For small changes in the cervical spine helps the patient with by gently moving the head. Is it asked for changes in the thoracic vertebrae, the patient is to slowly shuttling back and forth with one arm. At the lumbar spine, the patient oscillates slowly with his leg, while the therapist gently presses against the spinous processes.

After the treatment, it is important to drink a lot; two liters of water per day. Continue to do while not stretching exercises and avoid excessive taxation.

Contraindications to the Dorn Method:
injuries and fractures do not heal even after an accident
acute inflammation and inflammation-like processes
hernias and after hernia surgery
involuntary loss of urine and / or feces
a severe osteoporosis

when pregnant may lumbar no longer be treated as the 5th month.
Back pain is a warning signal

It is important in order to undergo a Dorn-treatment as soon as possible to back pain. A targeted treatment is necessary to have a wrong attitude (which is to avoid pain) to prevent. Abnormalities of can do a lot of pain, but the pain should not get stuck due to an abnormal posture or because we did not want to move to prevent pain. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs can provide relief here, but they do not offer the way to healing.

The most common cause for acute back pain is a functional disorder in the joints of one or more vertebrae of the spinal column. In 90% of chronic back pain, the doctor will make a diagnosis that can explain the pain. Only 10% of the complaints is cause a fracture of a vertebra, a sliding vertebrae, a spinal hernia, narrowing of the spinal canal, arthritis or cancer. These symptoms are also similar to the contraindications to treatment.

Backaches can be psychosomatic. Everyone knows carry something on the shoulders "phrase well, and" there he goes plague. If the psychological burden long enough, there will arise in the spinal pains and disorders. Even with depression may experience back pain with no organic cause. This is called conversion. Here the psychological burden works out physical symptoms. Placebos, drugs without active substance can be highly effective in back pain. As a therapy such as walking, cycling, climbing stairs. 'Rust out' is certainly applicable. Keep moving, even in the throes, is the motto.
As within, so without

To all of the vertebrae is externally and internally assigned an area of ​​the body, known as the 'Headse Zones'. Head was the doctor who wrote these skin areas. Complaints appointed by the patient, can sometimes be traced accordingly. For example, the annoying complaint from the ringing in the ears, tinnitus. This could be an incorrect position of the 3rd and / or 4th cervical vertebra. Many patients would have helped them as a Dorn therapist these vertebrae put together properly. At each vertebra are thus naming a lot of potential problems.

Fear, worry, anger and grief can cause a negative effect on muscle tone and then back problems. Joy has a positive, relaxing effect on muscles and can help to prevent back problems, alleviate or remedy. This shows that emotions have a significant effect on the physical well-being of the patient.
Relaxed living, proper breathing, healthy diet, exercise and drink plenty of water are important daily measures that are easy to do. They may prevent a lot of suffering


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